Rescheduling Pop Karma’s Open Date

Spring in New York City has arrived early. The flowers that we usually see in May started blooming in March. They may signal a bad season for allergies or climate change, but they are still beautiful. I can’t help but smile and be inspired when I see them, even though it may seem like nature’s timing is off.

Sometimes things don’t happen according to schedule. For example, Pop Karma was supposed to open in March. However, it’s the first week in April, and we clearly aren’t open.  (The new target date is June.) The biggest hurdle has been finding the right space. We need a place where we can thrive – where we can make popcorn, greet our customers, and participate in an inspiring community. All at a decent price. I’ve seen a lot of places, but I’m holding out for the right home for Pop Karma.

Sometimes the best things happen when you’re not looking at your schedule. Happystance.

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